Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Psalm 95:1

Music is an integral part of our Malayalam and English worship services and an important element of the congregation’s outreach to the Western Suburbs community.  Our St. Thomas Marthoma church of Delaware Valley Choir handles both Malayalam and English versions of all choir programs.  We have a group of forty-two auditioned members (36 members + 6 waiting list) that have supported the Vicar in his ministries ever since the church was founded here at Delaware valley. The choir’s mission is to serve the church and in turn serve God by delivering songs in praise and worship, developing a sense of spiritual nourishment among the parishioners and providing opportunities to all to participate in the Qurbana service.

The choir gathers every Sunday for church service and holds regular practices in preparation for each Sunday Service. The members also gather for 3+ hours of monthly practice reviewing all songs for that month. This provides an opportunity to not only learn new songs but also to have a closer relationship with each other bringing a sense of unity and purpose.

The two main programs are Easter and the Christmas Carol services. These programs are intended to deliver the message of the agape love of God to mankind

By invitation, the Choir also assists the Vicar in Baptism, Wedding, and Funeral services as well as other programs.  

Choir auditions are conducted periodically in accordance with DSMC guidelines. If you enjoy singing, please contact Choir Director Mr. Pramod Thomas



2022 Choir Audition songs